Monday, February 11, 2013

Home, Sweet, Home

Late last week, we moved into our new apartment! Here's some pics of the pad.

Walking in the front door. 

How cool is this bar?

I wish I was going to be here longer so I could fill this with cool bottles and glassware!

Making my room feel more like home.

View from my bedroom door.

From opposite corner.

The very official above-the-bed family photo. (Yes, its a little off center. Artistic touch?)

How cool is this bar?

Beautiful kitchen, washer/dryer in the right corner.

Granite (or granite-looking!) countertops and backsplash.

Our best purchase so far: shaped ice cube trays.

It feels so good to be settled in now, and in such a comfy apartment! The roommates and I frequently comment about how much we like it here. Stay posted for pictures of the pool!


  1. Sweet place you guys found there, D. So different from the expected "guesthouse". All is looking good.

    1. And for less than the price of a guesthouse! I lucked out!!!

  2. Yeah, very different from what I expected--more awesome!
    You need some barware, no matter how long or short you will be there!

  3. Wow, take over the king's place now that he's gone? Nice looking place you've got there!

  4. Sweet (2) bars! Lookin' cool! Your bed looks so gushy! Glad to know you're in a real, nice home.

  5. Daaaang! That place is nicer than my house in Bloomington!
