Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Lenten Gift

I just got back from my first Cambodian mass, and WOW! It was the most rejuvenating mass I've been to in a while.

First, it is an amazing feeling to go to the other side of the world and be able to participate in mass because all the responses are the same. I've appreciated that in South America and Europe, but it's an amazing feeling every time. Plus, since I'm abroad by myself for the first time, it's incredible how much God's house can feel like home. Sounds cheesy, but I don't know how else to explain the goosebumps I got when I got to sing along with the Gloria because it was one I recognized.

Second, the music was awesome! As I mentioned in an earlier post, my family used to spend a lot of time in the San Diego/La Jolla area on family vacation. We went to a young life mass at a church called Mary, Star of the Sea. They had an incredibly vibrant band and everyone was singing. It has become the mass to which all others are compared, and we still talk about it from time to time. I think St. Joseph's of Phnom Penh is the closest I've come to that mass, or at least makes the Top 5 list.

I did get a bit confused when I arrived, as the small chapel I found the other weekend turned out to not be the chapel where they hold mass at all. The very apparent service going on was the outdoor one below.

This is only about half of the crowd.

It was obviously a Catholic mass and very well attended... but it was in Khmer. I ended up taking a seat, ready to take in the experience anyway, until I saw some foreigner-looking people heading up a flight of stairs. I followed them up and found myself in a place where I could understand the service.

The place was almost entirely full during mass.

I'll be looking forward to returning each week. Plus, coffee and cookie reception after mass next week: BONUS!?!?!? : )

1 comment:

  1. How about that. If they serve doughnuts along with the coffee and cookies next weekend, this church can be the bánh rán nhà thờ

