Sunday, April 7, 2013

Made it to Thailand!

Can't believe my time in Cambodia is already over. After a tuk tuk, plane, multiple buses, some taxis, a train and a ferry, made it to Koh Samui this afternoon. Just sat down for some iced coffee because walking around got too hot this afternoon.

Tomorrow we're going to rent a moto so we can explore more. We are near Lamui Beach (see pictures), and hope to see more soon!

In Thailand so far, the biggest differences are:

- majority of cars over motos on the road
- there's public transportation
- the tuk tuks look funny
- the language and currency are confusing again (just as I was getting the hang of Khmer!)
- the sidewalks are sidewalks, not extensions of shops
- less dusty
- a bit cooler
- a LOT greener and more lush
- the people are so friendly! (Shout out to our new friend Richard.)

Lots of love to Cambodia, my home for the past two+ months. Thanks for taking care of me and sharing your people with me. Will always have a place in my heart.

More posts on Thailand and belated ones from Cambodia yet to come, dear readers!


  1. Funnfer heading to new adventures. Thanks for taking us with you!


    Oh man, Cambodia is still so fresh in my mind (I can still smell the daily stench that lingered on my clothes). Can't believe it's over.

    Reunion planning will have to take place at some point in time ;)
    Say hey to Gilson for me

  3. Cambodevan was so great to follow. Can't wait to see what adventures are in store for Thailandevan!

  4. Pretty water and palm trees! Whoopee!
